Resources Lists
10 Best USB Microphones – Buyer’s Guide For 2021
As a blogger, you may wisely decide to extend your audience outreach to platforms such as Youtube, Soundcloud, Podcasting, gaming etc.. When you decide to do that there are going to be a few [...]
Best Webcams for 2021 – Buyer’s Guide
In 2021, because of COVID, most of us have moved from the office to our home as our primary work location. We find ourselves on various video conferencing systems such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, [...]
Best WordPress Themes 2021 – Top 10 List
You can find lots of great free WordPress themes in the themes directory. That said, if you’re building a website that will be around, long-term, it’s a good idea to go with a [...]
Best Email Marketing Software 2021 – Buyer’s Guide
Here's an interesting face. Email marketing is still the most effective way of communicating with your audience. So as a blogger, if you want a following and you want to monetize on your blog [...]
Best Web Hosting 2021 for Bloggers
What is the best web hosting in 2021 for bloggers? Most bloggers would probably agree with me that at a bare minimum, to get a blog up and running you need web hosting, a [...]
Where to Get Logo Designed in 2021
When you're putting together a blog, a logo puts trust in you as it gives you a much more professional touch. Fortunately, there are many logo design services to choose from. In this review [...]