As you start to go through the resource lists, it’s great to obtain specific items here and there. But you will soon realize that blogging requires you to learn new skills… a lot of skills! Examples of such skills include:

  • Creating photos for blog posts, Facebook, Instagram, etc..
  • Creating infographics
  • Advertising on Social media networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc..)
  • Email marketing
  • Creating Webinars
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Google Analytics

And the list goes on. Fortunately, we live in a time where one can easily learn new skills that are very valuable, such as the ones I mentioned, from qualified instructors by spending little money, and investing some time into taking affordable online courses. So set yourself apart from the bloggers that have not taken the time to learn such valuable skills.

Let’s get into it. All the learning platforms listed offer classes related to blogging, marketing, etc… Take some time to check them all out.


I’m a huge fan of Udemy. It’s my go-to website for picking up new courses. Just about anyone can create a course on Udemy. Even though anyone can create a course on this platform, the quality of courses are top notch. The reason for that is because students have the ability to rate the courses they take and comment on them. This makes it very easy to filter out the poor performing courses and arrive at taking courses that have lots of high ratings.

The pricing is very fair. They’re usually always running a deal where all the courses prices are marked down.

Because there is a lot of competition among instructors you’ll find that you end up getting amazing deals on courses.


Many people are not aware that Fiverr released online courses you can purchase. The courses are very impressive as well. The instructors are highly qualified in their field and the prices are very affordable. It’s definitely worth checking out.


Similar to Udemy, Skillshare has lots of courses. The big difference is that with Skillshare, you pay a monthly fee (less than $10/month as of the writing of this post) and you get access to all the courses on the website. The courses are very professionally crafted.


I’m also a big fan of Pluralsight. Pluralsight seems to be doing an amazing job of creating courses geared towards people with corporate jobs. You’ll find many IT-related skills in paths related to Microsoft, Linux, Cloud technologies, development, etc… The courses are all straight-to-the-point. Not a lot of fluff. I can appreciate this. For example, I took a React course on Pluralsight and I also took one on Udemy. The course on Pluralsight was not nearly as long. But within one hour I had learned more on the Pluralsight course than I did spending 5 hours on the Udemy course. Now that said, I will admit, I took an AWS course on Udemy and I also took one on Plurasight. I thought the one on Udemy was much better.

Similar to Skillshare, you pay one monthly fee to get access to all of their courses.


StackSocial is a cool site that sells things other than courses. But let’s focus on the courses. They offer course bundles on all kinds of subjects such marketing, business, and design all at great deals.


Lynda is another great platform to learn new skills similar to Pluralsight and Skillshare. You pay one monthly fee to get access to their whole library of courses.


So one thing that separates Coursera apart from the other websites is that you can actually work with real universities to earn college degrees at a much lower cost than you would going on-campus. You can also work with top leading universities to earn certificates in specializations. Although, not a college degree, completion of any of these specializations is definitely something you can add to your resume or LinkedIn. Of course you can also pay to take individual courses. Personally, I’m thinking of learning more about the Google cloud. Coursera definitely looks like the place to do that.

Ultimately, I suggest checking all of these websites out. The more you learn new skills the more valuable you become. Not only as a blogger, but out in the job market. In regards to blogging, taking some valuable courses from some of these excellent sites will give you the skills you need to make your blog stand out from the rest.